A national media campaign promoting SFSC solutions was initiated in collaboration with the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in 2018. The campaign has built awareness of the nature and benefits of SFSC solutions among (potential) producers, consumers, organizers of local markets for locally-produced food in Poland. A key theme in the campaign has focused on introducing positive and promising solutions for scaling SFSC systems from Poland and other EU states through short films shown on national tv and via the internet. The campaign shows that Polish experience and solutions are potentially important for the practical implementation of the European Commission’s European Green Deal and the associated Farm to Fork Strategy.
In addition to the films, several review papers were prepared on different aspects of SFSCs, examples of good practice, recommendations and a Q&A service was operated for farmers, consumers and SFSC organisers. In the years 2018-2020, the campaign was financed by Poland’s Rural Development Programme for the years 2014-2020. For details, see https://prostoodrolnika.pl