Buyers’ Club for locally-produced food

The Buyers’ Club is an organizational form that connects producers and consumers, enabling them to organize regular direct sales, involving many farmers and many buyers. An organizer develops the Buyers’ Club as a prosumer arrangement whereby small-scale producers sell their products directly and regularly to consumers at prices determined by the producer (not intermediary) and consumers have access to fresh, tasty food of known origin. IT-PLM software enables a Buyers’ Club to achieve scale by allowing all interested food producers (however small or seasonal) and food consumers to participate without limit.

Iso-Tech helps organisers of local markets for locally produced food to design, customise and launch a Buyer’s Club, based on practical experience of Buyers’ Clubs operating in Liszki, Kamienna Góra, Kraków and other SFSC initiatives and arrangements operating in Poland and internationally. We help in the adaption of IT solutions to the needs, conditions and opportunities of a specified locale, customizing legal, financial, organizational and sales solutions.

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